here are some resources i used to make this website and perhaps some other interesting links
W3Schools | the holy grail |
MDN Web Docs | the holy grail part 2 |
neocities | website i used for hosting the website |
nekoweb | alternative for hosting websites |
neocities' tutorial | a tutorial for html from neocities |
aseprite | pixel art program i used for the logo |
website backgrounds | i got my background from here (312) |
hekate backgrounds | more backgrounds |
guestbook | guestbook i used (hosted on your website so you can freely change the css) |
atabook | alternative guestbook on a seperate website (use an iframe) |
smart guestbook | another guestbook people like to use (use an iframe) |
Cbox | chatroom for your website |
FC2 | view & online counter | | set your status |
imood | set your mood | widget | tracks the music you listen to using |
nekoweb stats | tracks your website stats [ONLY IF YOU HOST ON NEKOWEB!] |
pollcode | polls for your website |
navlink ads | ad display for people to display their website on (no money involved) |
website effects | various effects for your website |
cobalt | download mp3s from youtube or other sites |
khinsider | video game music (use soundtrack) |
foollovers | some pixel graphics for websites |
pixelsafari | some more pixel graphics for websites |
steamosaic | generates an image of all the steam games you own |
p5generator | create persona 5 dialogue images |
button maker | make a 88x31 button for your website |
layout builder | make a base for your website layout |
css test pages | some website layouts |
petrapixel's tutorials | coding tutorials on various topics (i used her 11ty tutorial) |
google search console | verify your website using this tool and your website will show up when you search for it on google |
sugarforbrains links page | more links here (i got a lot of them from here) |